Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Improvement in Rankings With Search Engine Optimization

I understand, Now a day’s  business  always  runs  with  an  extraordinary  Decision in this Internet Market and every business needs one good website, In my point of view every business owner needs more visitors for their website then that visitor can convert into customers.

I would like to share some most interesting SEO Facts so that you can understand properly.

* Did you know that 92% of people search Google for goods, services, and information?
* Did you know that 80% of people go straight to the organic results?
* Did you know that the first position in Google's organic results gets 50% of clicks on average?

There are more additional improvements that could be made to your website like..

* Your website should be user friendly on mobiles and tablets.

*Your website should be well ranked in Google organic searches for many competitive keyword phrases.

*You need to strong base in social signals because Google is increasingly rewarding websites for their social signals.

Our most of the clients are telling us that their customers find them because they are at the top of the Google search rankings and their search volumes are high.

Do you want to see your website in Top 10 positions in Google or other major search engine?
Do you want more targeted visitors on your website?

Sounds interesting? Feel free to email us or you can provide me with your phone number and the best time to call you.